"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." Proverbs 17:22

Presbyterian Day School Senior Kindergarten class presented their play, "Merry Heart Circus", to family and friends on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. The Ringmaster announced each member of the circus as they presented their act. There was a balloon man, elephants, a juggler, a popcorn man, a strongman, a cowboy, square dancers, dancing teddy bears, tightrope walkers, a lion & the lion tamer, and naughty clowns. Senior kindergartners are Taylar Bailey, Lucy Harris Jackons, Cailyn Greer, Ashley Davis, Jamie Gerry, Liz Weiss, Samiyah Moore, Emma Mooney, Gaines Flowers, Jason Duraj, Grayden Meredith, Jackson Lively, Benton Gaston, Griffin Hays, Ian Morton, Colton Shepherd, and Alyssa Robinson. Kindergarten teachers are Olivia Ellis and Kalynn Marley. Way to go Sr. K!!!